What it means to be an Episcopal School.

At an Episcopal school, children come first. Each child is special, a unique child of God.
Intellectual curiosity is prized, and students are challenged to think independently and critically, to act creatively and collaboratively.  We are lifelong learners with a strong Christian ethic and morality, preparing to become involved and responsible citizens.

Students learn that they do not exist apart from society, and they are called to respond to the needs of others.  We are called to act justly and to call others to do so.  We are challenged to imitate Christ and to instill peace, at school and in the world.

We model acceptance of self and others as unique, divinely appointed creations.  We honor values that unite people rather than those that divide.  We encourage reverence for each other’s beliefs, and we strive to treat all with charity, kindness, and respect.

Love for students as unique children of God is the hallmark of an Episcopal school.  Our faculty members, imbued with a spirit of humility and profound purpose, pledge to act out of love, to teach love, to model love, and to love one another in our school community.

-Adapted from the National Association of Episcopal Schools & Christ Episcopal School